Monday, February 9, 2009

Some Things About Me You may Not Know

I have been reading other peoples blogs and there is usually one thing everyone blogs about - things you may or may not know about them. So I thought I might try my hand to give you an insight about who I am. Here it goes....

1. I was born in Illinois. Yup I'm a Yankee.

2. When I was 6 months old I rode a plane to Okinawa. My father was stationed over there so about the first 2 years of my life were spend overseas. (And I don't remember a thing but I got pictures) I have never been on an airplane since and I don't think I want to even want to ride one now.

3. My dad received a check from the military so he didn't work much. But I do remember traveling a lot. My brother was born in California and we lived everywhere in between there and Florida. We never lived in the Midwest like Utah or Nevada and we never lived in the northeast like New York or Ohio. So moving was something we did a lot until he finally settled on the little town of Sheridan, Arkansas. Even then, he had plans on going on south to Louisiana (boy am I glad we didn't - I hate hot and spice foods)

4. I learned to ride my first bike in Michigan. It's not easy riding a bike on snow.

5. We used to go swimming every summer at Cox Creek. We camped there and fished there. I had a lot of good times floating on my tire tube. I remember one summer they drained the lake. I went with my dad to walk around. Dead trees and trash mostly. There was this one part that still had water where people still went out to fish.

6. I learned to drive when I was 14 years old. When I drove my dads Cadillac to the revenue office to get my license, I almost hit the side of the brick building. When I was practicing, I was turning into the local Sonic and drove onto the grass in the front. Some boys in pick-up trucks where laughing at me. I starting laughing too. I blamed it on the semi that was on my tail. I was scared he was going to run over me.

7. I started smoking at age 19. I started with Virginia Slim 120s. I lived in Illinois. I was attending a two year college.

8. I married my ex at 19 also.

9. My one and only son, Brandon, was born right after I turned 21. I couldn't even go out a celebrate my 21st birthday. Legal to buy liquor but also 7 months pregnant.

10. I married my second husband at 23 and we have been married ever since.

11. My husband is 6, sometimes only 5 years older than me. What can I say, I like older men.

12. I never planned on having children but I wouldn't change a thing. My son is better than any college course I could ever have.

13. I never planned on getting married but when I found the right person I couldn't bare the thought of being alone.

14. I have been overweight most of my life. I blame it on the big folks in my family.

15. I lost 65 lbs when I was 17. I just made up my mind I wasn't going to be overweight any more. I set a goal and got down to 130 lbs.

16. My daddy also died when I was 17. He saw me lose the weight, graduate from high school, get a boyfriend and apply for college. The day he died I was in Monticello filling out applications and all that stuff you do to get enrolled as a freshman.

17. I have been at the same job with the state for the past 8 years going on 9 years this May.

18. I am a perfectionist but I put stuff off until the last minute.

19. I am a neat freak but hate to do laundry and do daily cleaning.

20. I love to take pictures.

21. I love to write stories.

22. I clip coupons but seldom use them because they are usually at home when I am at the store.

23. I don't think of myself as a smart person but people tell me I am.

24. I hated Spanish in college - 2 years of it. Never again.

25. I haven't had a chocolate candy bar or chocolate ice cream in 3 years.

26. I love reality TV. When the first episode of Road Rules came on TV in the 90's, my husband and I would watch it before anything else.

27. I love American Idol. Kelly Clarkson, Rueben Studdard, Carrie Underwood, Fantasia, Taylor Hicks, Jordan Sparks and David number 2. My prediction is a white female will win this season.

28. I have colored my hair ever since my mom would buy the hair color for me. So I don't know what my true hair color is.

29. I hate my moles.

30. Last but not least. I love my little 25 lbs, smooth coat, red dachshund. His name is Red. I got him when he was 6 months old. He is now 6 and a half. He has more gray hair than me. Yes, he is spoiled. I know it is a no-no but he sleeps with us. I want to have more little weenie dogs but I don't have the money to go buy a female.

And one more thing, the closest I have gotten to a boat is when my dad took me on his 16 foot fishing boat on Cox Creek. I have never been on a boat since.

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