Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Long time - No write

I know that I haven't kept my promise. I was supposed to write everyday or at least try to. I was supposed to keep this as a promise to myself to lose the weight. Well, I have no excuse. I have been so busy that I have put this blog at the back of my mind.

I found Facebook and some school friends. What lead me back to this was a post from a girl at school who decided to write about what it's like to be divorced. She laid her heart out there for everyone to see. She claimed to be a private person and so do I but as you can tell - this is not the place to write if you don't want the whole world to know what is going on in your life.

So here it is. I have 268 days left to fullfill my promise to myself to lose this weight that has burdened me for most of my 20's and all of my 30's.

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