Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Pretty Day

It is so nice outside. I would rather be outside but there is nothing to do so I am sitting at my computer doing this. I did go out and put rain-x on my car windows, my mother-in-laws van and my sisters van. I can't take a picture. I need a camera phone so I could, hopefully I can get a better phone soon. I have a motorola that I have had for two years now. My husband can't even keep his phone without breaking it, getting it wet or just plain destroying it for more than 6 months. Why are boy's and men so hard on there stuff? My son is excluded. I don't know why he has never been hard on his stuff but he doesn't break stuff like other boys.

I hope we can take my mother-in-laws van back next week end. We thought it was leaking transmission fluid but the guy who fixed it said it is not leaking. She spent a lot of money. The guy said he thinks it is leaking water around the head. I have no clue as what a head is on the motor but whatever.

I got a lot of things to do like get our taxes together. My brother and his wife came over earlier to talk. They just came back from Walmart. They are always going to Wally World. She had been taking Alli but the side effects have made her stop. She said she stopped because when he went to the doctor, she left a big greasy spot on that paper from her fart. She said she has to put towels on her furniture because it has really bothered her. So she stopped. It doesn't affect me like that. My sister has been taking them for a while also but Alli hasn't affect her either.

My brother is a real big fellow also. He said his insurance will pay for the lap band. My sister in law said Medicaid will pay for her to have the lap band. She has problems with her back and other things so she is a perfect canadite and so is he. My sister said she won't have the lap band because of the problems she has heard about others having. I know there are side effects and it may not be worth the trouble in the long run. We came from a big family. Lot's of big people in our family so I like to blame it on being hereditary.

So I guess my diet taking these Alli pills are working for me. I will post a picture soon. Bye for today.

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